Why AJOVY migraine treatment

In clinical trials,

AJOVY was proven to reduce monthly migraine days by 50% or more.

50 percent or more

AJOVY was shown to reduce migraine days, with some seeing results in as early as 1 week.

AJOVY reduced migraine days by an average of 5 days a month (vs 3.2 days for placebo) in patients with chronic migraine (≥15 headache days a month) and reduced migraine days by an average of 3.5 days a month (vs 2.2 days for placebo) in patients with episodic migraine (<15 headache days a month) when taken quarterly or monthly over a 12-week period.

Additionally, 32% of patients with chronic migraine (vs 19.9 % on placebo) and 46 % of patients with episodic migraine (vs 27 .9 % on placebo) had their monthly migraine days reduced by at least 50% when taking either quarterly or monthly dosing regimens of AJOVY over a 12-week period.

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How does
AJOVY work?

  • Patients experiencing migraine have increased amounts of CGRP, a molecule found in the body.
  • When CGRP binds to its receptor, it results in a series of events that contributes to inflammation associated with migraine.
  • AJOVY targets the CGRP molecule, and is believed to block the series of events.

Is AJOVY right for you?

If you suffer from migraine, it may be time to ask your healthcare provider if AJOVY is right for you.

Jill’s Story: Fewer Migraine Days Jill’s Story: Fewer Migraine Days


from Okemos, MI

"Since taking AJOVY, I've had fewer migraine days."

Jill, from Okemos, MI

see jill’s story
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Start a conversation with your healthcare provider

Our Discussion Guide can help you prepare to have a conversation about AJOVY.

Download the AJOVY doctor discussion guide Download Discussion Guide

Stay on top of your migraine triggers

Track your migraine days and triggers and share them with your healthcare provider.

Download the AJOVY migraine tracker Download Migraine Tracker

Explore your two dosing options

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